Tuesday, November 18, 2008

NHS Ceremony

Last week Breann was inducted into National Honor Society. It was sort of cool to see both of the girls in something together. Brittnae was involved in Breann's induction because she is the secretary. To say that Michael and I are proud of both girls is quite an understatement.

BREANN AND HER CERTIFICATE AND ROSE (HERE AT HOME)This is Brittnae lighting her candle during the ceremony (sorry about the blurry picture)Breann receiving her certificate and rose

The group of new NHS members Breann, Rebecca, Tori, Bethany, Chris and Colby

Both of our precious girls they are growing up way too fast!!



Needless to say I think that it has been way too long since I have blogged!! LOL!! I sure am sorry. Life has just been way too intense. To re-cap the last oh lets say six months-URGH!!
Michael and I bought the Imperial Auction Market Cafe in August. To say that I have been a little overwhelmed is an understatement!! I am finally getting the hang of being the "boss" Michael the girls and I have put in alot of LONG hours in painting the floor, cleaning, adding shelves, cleaning, organizing, cleaning, adding new faucets, cleaning.....get the point....needless to say there is still alot of cleaning to do. I have finally decided that it is not going to happen in a few weeks. So I am going to just take it one day at a time and enjoy this gift the Lord blessed us with.

I will get some pictures and post them soon.

Michael is almost finished with corn harvest, Brittnae is now working at the Heritage Manor as a CNA, and Breann works at the pioneer cafe and Tommy's (restraunt).