We went into Chicago to a Oncologist who specialises in metastatic melanoma. After looking at Daddy and reviewing all of his files he had to break some really terrible news to us all. There is nothing that can be done for my daddy. He is not eligible for the clinical trials, and he is far to weak for chemo. Dr. Clark said that daddy is bordering on the edge and the chemo will cross him over. So we now know that it is only a matter of time. He suggested that we call hospice and we are waiting for them to come at 10:30. Dad is scared like the rest of us, and even though we can not imagine him being gone we all know that he will be going to see the Lord and that he will have a new and healthy heavenly body. Someday we will all be together again. And we just have to hold on to the promises that the Lord will keep us in his loving arms and surround us with His Love. Thank you for your prayers
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Update on Dad
This picture was taken on Wed. it was a good day for Daddy. Then we took him to the hospital on Friday. He is not doing so well. The tumor is rapidly spreading and we are having a really tough time controlling the blood sugar and blood pressure. A normal blood sugar for a diabetic is @ 100. Dad's has been in the 350 range. His blood pressure is 209/64. Which is very dangerous, and can cause heart failure or a stroke. Mom called this morning and said that the people from the pain clinic were coming in to check out and set up a pain pump. We do not know if he will have to come home with it or not. So keep praying.
Posted by The Maris' at 6:35 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Gizzmo's hair cut
Posted by The Maris' at 2:47 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
I just wanted to let all of you know that I am in Illinois. The Dr. gave dad 2 options on Friday. So we are waiting for a phone call from him telling us whether he is eligible for a clinical trial, (he has been denied once already because of the stroke factor). If he is not eligible for the clinical trial doc wants to try i.v. chemo. Which because of the low sucess rate he is leary of putting dad through that.
I will keep you all updated as the day progresses. Please keep praying, Dad is really discouraged this morning and wanting just to give up. God can do mighty things, but right now we all need His strength.
Posted by The Maris' at 8:53 AM 3 comments
Friday, April 18, 2008
Prayers Needed
Posted by The Maris' at 7:25 AM 6 comments
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Breann's Knee
Well today we are at days 4 post-surgery. And Breann is finally doing a whole lot better. We got to take the wrap and guaze off this morning. Then we got out the saran wrap and wrapped her leg up and we had a bath. (this is the first time I helped her take a bath in like 12 years.) This grey thing is the ice pack. It is the most amazing machine ever. It has a cooler that you pack with ice and it filters cold ice water through continuously.
This is what her leg looks like, but it is minus the ace wrap around her foot. We were able to take it off this morning, and we can keep it off unless her leg begins to swell.
Posted by The Maris' at 1:12 PM 3 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Got Duck Tape??
Michael and I have been married almost 19 years, and this is the first time I have been give the job of "surrogate Mom" Lucky as I named him is now my bottle calf. This poor little guy had quite a terrible start. His little tongue froze, and his Momma stepped on his front leg. So of course my husband has to get out the roll of duck tape and we proceeded to make a home cast for Lucky.
So far so good.
Posted by The Maris' at 12:25 PM 1 comments
Happy 15th Birthday Baby Girl
March 31st my "baby" turned 15. Wow where have the years gone? We had a nice celebration with Grandma and Grandpa Maris. Grandma made her this volleyball cake-yummy!! I made her favorite ham and cheesy potatoe casserole, with corn and french bread for supper. Then we had cake and turtle tracks ice cream for dessert.
She is sort of windy like her Mom:) LOL!!
Posted by The Maris' at 11:51 AM 4 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Hello there, it seems like it has been forever since I have posted anything, so I am going to try to change that. I have gotten into "trouble" from a few people about not updating. There are so many things to post, that I do not know where to begin.
Breann tore her ACL on the skiing trip, so we have been working on that. We finally had the surgery April 2nd. She is doing about as well as can be expected. Sore, but she is quite a trooper. We begin a 3 a week physical therapy regimen. She is sort of nervous about that. We are praising the Lord that he healed parts of her knee that we thought was going to have to be surgically repaired. God is great!!
March 19th we found out that my Dad has melanoma bone cancer. So Michael and the girls and I went to Illinois to see them. We left on good Friday and Michael and the girls came back on Monday. I stayed for another week and came back on the Amtrack train Monday morning. My Daddy started the chemo pills on Sunday. He is feeling about as well as we can expect. I will be truthful it is very hard to be here when part of my heart wants to be with my family in Illinois. Sort of like I want to be in two places at once.
Our biggest prayer request is that the chemo will begin to work and that we see a shrinkage in the tumors.
So that has been my life in a nutshell. I will post some pictures of Breann's 15th birthday, and of our visit to Illinois.
Posted by The Maris' at 12:51 PM 3 comments